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The Desire Map Workshop is here and ready for you

Discover your Core Desired Feelings. This workshop is for you if you struggle to keep all the balls in the air as you negotiate life’s tasks, to-do lists, expectations of others, work and family commitments.

 Imagine if you could feel confident in:


Having more clarity in your life, a feeling of being more in control of where you are heading and an overall recognition of connection back to yourself.


Having tools to navigate key decisions because your Core Desired Feelings will lead the way.


Putting yourself first and feel empowered – in a way that helps everyone around you.


 Results from past members

“I gained more clarity”

I gained more clarity for the next phase of my life now that my children have left home.


“The whole day was a delicious treat

I came away from the day feeling nurtured, happy, and proud of what I had accomplished.


Greater sense of who I am”

I feel more connected to what I want moving forward thanks to the process of creating my core desired feelings.



Who is this for?


This workshop is for you if you know you deserve more of what life has to offer you but you’re really not sure where to start.


You often feel overwhelmed with so much in front of you and you barely get time for yourself. You’re always doing things for others and you often put yourself last.


You’ve recently experienced a change such as children leaving home; marriage has ended or is losing its shine; you’ve recently moved home or changed job and are questioning if it was the right move; you’ve lost a loved one; you can’t seem to move past or let go of feelings of hurt or anguish from previous situations.


You suffer from anxiety, mild depression or lack of focus and wish to experience better clarity.


You’re a type A personality – always setting goals, achieving them, setting goals achieving them but feel like you’re on a treadmill and you’re not feeling as fulfilled as expected.


  How do you want to feel?


Meet Danielle La Porte. She created The Desire Map process. One of the most powerful things you can ask a person – How do you want to feel? Everything we do is for a feeling – even if we recognise that or not. The journey has to feel the way we want the destination to feel.


 What’s included for in person events?

Should I bring my own journal?

Yes. Even though the workbook is provided you may want to write your own notes in a separate book to refer to later. And you might want to get contact numbers of your other attendees. Great friendships get made on our courses.

I’m gluten intolerant and dairy free – can you cater to special dietary requirements?

Yes. We can absolutely take care of any dietary requirements. Our venues and their caterers are amazing! The food is always raved about and is a special part of the day. Please let us know beforehand though, so that we can make sure we take care of you.

Can I bring a friend?

Yes by all means when you book let us know so that we can give you a special discount for both of you. Its nice to do these types of events with friends and you can often make new ones on the course too.

Where will the event take place?

Birdwoods Sweet Shop and Gallery, 298 Middle Road, Havelock North

When and what time will it take place?

We will meet on Monday 25 September 2023 just before 9.00am and finish around 4.30pm.

Can this workshop also be done online?

Yes. We will be offering this workshop online. See What's included for online events further down the page.

  Love from past members

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“Carol is a natural facilitator and has a warm, friendly, engaging style, which completely drew me in.”

She is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming. I came away from the day feeling nurtured, happy, and proud of what I had accomplished. The whole day was a delicious treat, a feast for all the senses plus tasty food and gifts. It was also a chance to connect deeper with myself while also connecting and sharing with others. I have taken away some invaluable tools which I will treasure. Thank you so much, Carol.


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“I went away feeling more connected to my own values and where I wanted to head.”

I didn’t exactly know what to expect when I attended Carol’s workshop. My mother had suggested I get in touch with her as she had heard her adverts on the radio. I was pleasantly surprised. I gained more clarity for the next phase of my life having no children at home and experiencing a recent breakup. I can recommend Carol as someone who takes time to listen, provides genuine understanding, and gives supportive guidance.


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“ I feel more connected to what I want moving forward.”

I’ve felt that I’ve always been someone’s daughter, someone’s wife, or someone’s mother. I found doing the Desire Map workshop with Carol has given me a greater sense of who I am now that my children have left home, my parents are in the process of transitioning and my marriage has just moved past 25 years. I feel more connected to what I want moving forward thanks to the process of creating my core desired feelings. Thanks, Carol – you’ve given me back myself.



Level One: Core Desired Feelings

We step into our core desired feelings. Slowly at first so that we warm up and gain a solid foundation for our discovery into how we want to feel. We dive deep into what is working well and what’s not and re-connect with what inspires gratitude and what’s really gotta go . At the end we will have between three and five core desired feelings that we will live our life by. Each morning you will wake up knowing how you want to feel today and what you will do to feel that way.

Level Two: Goals with Soul

Once we’ve tried on the Core Desired Feelings for a while, we will come back together to set our Goals with Soul based on those feelings. You will know how you want to feel so now we need to set goals in the five areas of our life so that we live into our feelings around what we do, how we act, and what we want to have based on how we feel. Its goal setting reverse engineered from how it will feel when we get there. Its the journey not the destination we want to live into and enjoy. It all starts with the feeling so you know it will be worthwhile to pursue that goal.

Level Three: Feeling and Goals Check-in

We will reconnect one to one to see how things are going. Just an hour’s follow up on your path. This accountability call is included in either workshop and allows you to ensure you are where you want to be, have been living into your Core Desired Feelings and are on track to meet your goals.

Grab your seat today, and start feeling the way you want to feel.

$295 for online group events / $365 for in-person group events

 Frequently Asked Questions

Who are online courses for?

The Desire Map online course is for you if you don't live near the venue, like learning online in a group environment, don't like travelling to events or being around too many people in person. Also great if you are unvaccinated and don't have a vaccinne pass.

What do I get when I take the online course?

For Half Day Workshops, the Four Two Hour sessions and the Eight One hour sessions - The Desire Map workbook PDF to be printed out before the course, Core Desired Feelings Posters, Meditation MP3s from Danielle and The Desire Map Course Certificate (print ready).

When is the next group online course and what do I need to bring?

Email me for the schedule. Bring an open mind (leave any judgey pants at the door!) a journal and pen for extra notes, any snacks you like and a water bottle to keep yourself hydrated plus, and most important your printed out workbook.

Do you offer one to one coaching in The Desire Map?.

Yes I do. This is very beneficial if you find you like learning with a dedicated teacher and enjoy asking alot of questions as we go.

What are the benefits of taking the Desire Map course one to one?

One of the main benefits is the bespoke additions that happen as we work one to one together. We can bring in extra tips and processes that meet you where you are at and are tailored to your needs at the time.

What are the benefits of taking the Desire Map course in a group?

There is definite power in the collective. Group coaching allows for others in the group to contribute and learn from one another.



Carol, your Facilitator

I made a conscious decision a number of years ago to explore more of what life had to offer. To go deeper into universal laws, scientific proofs, spiritual principals and ethereal intentions. I have found out more information than I thought possible. And I have come to the conclusion that, yes life can be challenging but always I have the power to choose. I choose how I look at the outcomes, how I interact with others and fundamentally how I create my reality.

So I chose to work with Danielle La Porte and here I am. It’s my sincere wish for you that you find your deepest foundation in life and if I can be part of your journey, I would be honored to be your witness.

“Carol is a natural facilitator and has a warm, friendly, engaging style, which completely drew me in.”

She is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming. I came away from the day feeling nurtured, happy, and proud of what I had accomplished. The whole day was a delicious treat, a feast for all the senses plus tasty food and gifts. It was also a chance to connect deeper with myself while also connecting and sharing with others. I have taken away some invaluable tools which I will treasure. Thank you so much, Carol.


“I went away feeling more connected to my own values and where I wanted to head.”

I didn’t exactly know what to expect when I attended Carol’s workshop. My mother had suggested I get in touch with her as she had heard her adverts on the radio. I was pleasantly surprised. I gained more clarity for the next phase of my life having no children at home and experiencing a recent breakup. I can recommend Carol as someone who takes time to listen, provides genuine understanding, and gives supportive guidance.


“ I feel more connected to what I want moving forward.”

I’ve felt that I’ve always been someone’s daughter, someone’s wife, or someone’s mother. I found doing the Desire Map workshop with Carol has given me a greater sense of who I am now that my children have left home, my parents are in the process of transitioning and my marriage has just moved past 25 years. I feel more connected to what I want moving forward thanks to the process of creating my core desired feelings. Thanks, Carol – you’ve given me back myself.


 Are you ready to feel good?

You are worthy of your desires. You are worthy of less stress, more love, great sleep, time to yourself and to know what matters most to you. You are worthy of living life on your terms.

$295 for online group events/$365 for in-person group events